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Louie’s Olympic-Sized Personal Success

I met Louie a year and a half ago when I first moved to Bocas. A hot-headed, sensitive and expressive twelve-year-old, Louie has always been historically hard on himself during practice. He is often volatile, his actions and his words wrought with negativity and frustration. This is particularly so when he messes up or when things go wrong in a drill or a scrimmage. And, as we know, this happens and will continue to happen as we work on our lacrosse skills… So, naturally the LtN Olympics were going to be an interesting skills test for Louie. 


Quick rewind: Louie is an only child who started attending a school with his peers at the end of last year (up until then he was homeschooled on Isla Bastimentos where his family lives). One result of this change is that he is adjusting to interacting with other kids on a much more regular basis and in more structured environments than just free after-school time. Our practices fall under both of these situations. In effect, our programs push him to think, act and respond perhaps in different, more appropriate and controlled ways (and more often) than he is used to.

To offer an example, when Louie first started playing lacrosse, he had a tendency to throw his stick on the ground in anger whenever he’d mess up. As time has passed, Louie has managed to find other ways to control his attitude and emotions during lacrosse. A lot of this assistance has come from his teammates. Last week’s event of Tiro al Blanco was a great example of this personal and communal growth. 

As Louie began the event, he soon became angry with himself because he wasn’t hitting the targets. Frustration showed in his actions and in his vocal expressions. After missing the first two cones, he took a breath and listened to the positive encouragement of his teammates. They were there building him up, not tearing him down like he was doing to himself inside his head. Then, we saw it: his composure changed. After pausing and listening to his team, Louie successfully hit the last two targets. This situation gave me the perfect segue to remind the LtN Panama team about positivity - particularly positive self-talk. 


We discussed how one’s attitude (frustration and calmness) can severely impact one’s performance. For this reason, we need to remain calm and let mistakes roll off our backs when we find ourselves getting worked up. It was wonderful to see Louie learning from his teammates and acknowledging good practices for improving his performance, and his self-confidence. 

After the discussion, Louie admitted that he was incredibly upset with himself in the beginning of the Tiro al Blanco event. But, he recognized that his frustration was not going to help him succeed. By listening to his teammates and by acknowledging how his attitude can affect his performance, Louie changed his outcome. He ended the event on a much better note! Now, that’s what a gold-medal day looks and feels like. 

-Maria McDonough, Program Director

The LtN Volunteer Experience

by Javier Silva (LtN Executive Director)

With our programs on hold, we have taken time to reflect on what makes them so impactful, who they benefit, and how. We focus a tremendous amount on the students who come to practice and the local coaches who work with them, and rightfully so – it’s a big part of our work.

However, our mission is fueled by the passion and dedication of young lacrosse players and coaches across the US. The impact they have on our programs is huge. What our young volunteers get out of their time in our programs is massive and we don’t talk about it enough. The list of benefits of volunteering with LtN is long, but I’ve narrowed it down to the biggest three.

1. Cultural Immersion

The time our volunteers spend working at our international sites introduces them to new people, food, experiences, challenges and opportunities. Living for an extended period in a place that is so different from home teaches our volunteers to be open to opposing points of views, to embrace a new way of thinking and to be grateful for what they have. They bring these new perspectives home with them and create a ripple effect much larger than themselves.

2. The Extreme Resume Booster


LtN does not have a large staff so our volunteers are given big time responsibilities. They get to dive head first into various aspects of our organization. Everything from executing and evaluating programs to social media and fundraising strategy. This opportunity offers volunteers valuable insight into the nonprofit world. Volunteering with LtN provides tangible projects volunteers can highlight on their resume that will make them stand out later on in their careers.

3. Personal Discovery


The cornerstone of the volunteer experience is growth. Our volunteers come home knowing much more about themselves as individuals and professionals. They discover strengths and weaknesses. They realize what they like, and what they don’t. Our volunteers come home with a better understanding of how sports can be used to improve the lives of others. The role we play in it and how powerful they are in making that change possible. Ultimately, our volunteers come home a better version of themselves.

A major goal in growing our impact is to offer more opportunities for members of the US lacrosse community to travel, serve and self-discover. As the world slowly begins to reopen, we look forward to welcoming a new group of volunteers to our international sites so they can build off the work of the volunteers who came before them to make our programs stronger. All the while, growing as individuals and finding their place in the world.

Find a Common Love and Amazing Things Happen

Our programs strive to be inclusive platforms for kids of various ages, backgrounds and abilities to allow them grow together. By unifying communities through the love of lacrosse, our practices allow youth to learn from each other and work towards common goals.

In Bocas del Toro, gender, age, skin color and even language are not hindrances for our players! This past Fall, with the addition of Camil and Vadim, our afternoon practice on Isla Colon reflected the epitome of inclusivity and variety by adding French into the language mix. 

(Left to right) Camil, Vadim, Adolfo, Brillan, and Denis post-practice.

(Left to right) Camil, Vadim, Adolfo, Brillan, and Denis post-practice.

Camil, age 9, and his younger brother Vadim, age 5, were biking by our practice one sunny afternoon in September with their parents. Never having seen lacrosse before, the family immediately stopped their leisure ride and watched us play. They were on a two-month holiday away from their home in France and they were fascinated by this strange sport.

Since our programs are open to all children willing and wanting to play, I naturally invited them over and asked if they would like to join in (luckily I studied French in college and previously worked in Paris) Although Camil stayed silent by his mother’s side and Vadim hid behind his father, both parents expressed that they were eager to stay and watch. I laid a few sticks at their feet in case they wanted to try it out, and then returned to running practice.

Camil diving head into 1v1’s vs teammate, Silas.

Camil diving head into 1v1’s vs teammate, Silas.

Soon enough, Camil and Vadim were passing back and forth on the side of the court with their parents. For the next two months, Camil and Vadim became consistent players at our practices.

Camil, who was taking Spanish classes while in Bocas, communicated with the other players to the best of his ability. Little Vadim - arguably the youngest player on the field - communicated with his teammates via his brother and endless smiles. Adding to this awesomeness was Bocas veteran players, Silas and Xia, trilingual French speakers who helped explain all of the drills and rules to Camil and Vadim. 

Before my eyes, our practices now involved three different languages - Spanish, English and French - and all of our players became exposed to a new environment. The best part? Lacrosse made this possible.

Camil and Vadim helping paint in Bocas Middle School.

Camil and Vadim helping paint in Bocas Middle School.

As time went by and Camil and Vadim became “regulars,” they even joined in with our local Bocas players to help paint classrooms at the community’s middle school. We had an absolute blast learning from each other and trying to understand one another without having our brains implode from a swirl of languages.

By the end of their vacation, the French family had become part of our Bocas family. As an act of camaraderie and gratitude, Camil gifted his bike to his teammate Brillan before he left. He knew that Brillan didn’t have one of his own and that it would enable him to get around the island much more easily. Today, you can still catch Brillan speeding around town on Camil’s bike wearing a huge smile. 

Thank you Camil and Vadim for being brave and joining our program. We hope you come back to visit Bocas again! 

Camil, Brillan, and Brillan’s brother, Denis post-practice (ft. Camil’s bike)

Camil, Brillan, and Brillan’s brother, Denis post-practice (ft. Camil’s bike)