A Mother's Day Special

By Brooke Wilson

In honor of Mother’s Day, we wanted to introduce one of our lax moms here in Nicaragua, Doña Bojorge! Doña Bojorge is an extremely involved LtN mother. Not only does she work at LtN’s partner school, Club Hope, she also has six children who play lacrosse in our programs. Doña Bojorge has worked with Club Hope for 11 years. Cooking arguably some of the best food in Villa Guadalupe, Doña Bojorge helps provide meals for the students of the Club as well as for our LtN players before or after practice. This past week, we asked her some questions to get a little more insight into her LtN experience.

How long have your children been involved in LtN?
“We have been with LtN since the beginning,” Doña Bojorge reflected. 

Maria, her third oldest, started playing lacrosse in 2010, Maycol, Roxana, Jonathan and Mauriel started a year later. Allison, her youngest started 2 years ago. After Maycol’s involvement, he became one of LtN’s first scholars. Maycol has been coaching since 2015 in addition to attending school on the weekends to finish his high school degree. 

Do you think lacrosse has had any influence on your children?
“Yes definitely. I have noticed a difference in them around school and in the house, as well. Lacrosse has made them more disciplined, and they have more responsibility now.”

As an LtN mother, what would you say to other mothers with children considering playing lacrosse?
“I would tell others that it is great. It instills discipline in the kids and gives them something to work for.”

Doña Bojorge takes on a motherly role for many members of our LtN family. She is a mother to LtN coaches, veteran players, and beginners. Doña Bojorge has been with LtN since its start, and because of this, has a deep understanding of LtN’s programs and mission. From cooking meals after practice to allowing her children to throw the lacrosse ball around in the front yard with make shift goals and ice cold waters, she is the epitome of a dedicated mother.

As our programs continue building, we have had the chance to involve parents of players more and more. They are an essential part of the sustainability of our programs. Mothers like Doña Bojorge have supported our programs from the ground up and made it possible to expand LtN’s impact and reach. From our LtN families across all our sites, we wish all mothers a Happy Mothers’ Day and thank you for all you do!