efective communication — Blog | Lacrosse the Nations

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efective communication

Exposure to Adversity Brings...


Our lacrosse programs in Bocas del Toro, Panama, bring together youth of all different demographics. In a single practice, we have players that were born across the street and players that were born across the ocean. We have boys and girls, older kids and younger kids, players that have been coming to practice for almost two years and players that just learned the ropes two days ago. We have Spanish-speakers, English-speakers, and several bilingual players. However, not all of our players are bilingual. 

Since communication is crucial to working as a team, this last element can sometimes create a challenge for our team. Being only Spanish-speaking, little Carla from our afternoon practice experienced this language struggle first-hand. But, instead of letting it hinder her performance, she’s used mental fortitude to grow from it.

When two new English-only players arrived to practice, I quickly explained to them how to catch, throw, and play lacrosse in the language we both shared. Then, during the following drills, I expressed my encouragement and advice also in English. Soon, Carla tapped me on the shoulder. She had something to tell me. 


Visibly frustrated, Carla told me that she didn’t like it when I spoke in English because she couldn’t understand what I was saying. That annoyed her. We moved to the side and I explained to her that I completely understood how she was feeling - when I arrived in Bocas 5 months ago, I couldn’t understand what anyone was saying because I didn’t know any Spanish. I reminded her how hard that was for me, and I justified her frustration. 

I also reminded her that I had used a lot of patience, put in a lot of effort, and used different ways to communicate with the team when language wasn’t a possibility. She could focus on using these helpful tactics during practice as well. She agreed that she would.

The next practice, I told myself to focus on using more Spanish to ensure that all of our players felt like they were receiving the same recognition. Before explaining the first drill, I informed our Spanish-speaking players that I would first say the rules in English and then in Spanish. I explained it in English and was all ready to go in Spanish when Carla surprised me. Instead of waiting for me to start explaining, she simply waved her hand and loftily said to me in Spanish, “Maria, I know English, too. I understand the drill, don’t worry!” 


Seeing the change in her attitude from one practice to the next made me so proud of her. She was able to adjust her perspective on an element of practice that challenged her, focus on her capabilities rather than her shortcomings, and emit confidence.

Growth, little by little, is all we ask of our players… Great job, Carla!  

— Maria, Panama Program Director